Welcome! We hope you are staying safe! please Help me to connect seniors to the world

Go Ethel!

Closing The Gap


Hello, My name is Hailey Wilson and I am a Sophomore at Holton-Arms School in Bethesda, Maryland.   

Recently, I was involved with The Social Innovators Program in connection with  UPenn, which is a program for high school students to have an opportunity to learn more about the entrepreneurial process and create their own venture. I have been working on my project since September 2019. Since that time, I interviewed  my uncle, who is the Executive Director at an Assisted Living Facility. My project name is The Ethel Project after my grandmother who lived in my home with us and who I  helped care for.  In her young days, she was a very successful hardworking progressive  woman of her time. Ethel, my grandmother had multiple myeloma cancer, a feeding tube, dementia,  and was a very sick lady.  There were times she was so sick that the only way I could talk to her was on my IPad. My project is using zoom and skype to connect seniors with their love ones in nursing homes and assisted living facilities. This project has been very close to my heart during and since. Seniors are lonely and now more than ever and at this time what I am doing is relevant.

Over the past four months I tested The Ethel Project in a local assisted living facility in Alexndria.  I introduced the seniors to my project and what I would like to see happen with it in the future, and they were all extremely excited to learn more about my project. My project includes detailed instructions and video to teach the staff and the seniors how to use skype to see their family members easily and often. We tested this phase too. After several personal visits to the facility, I tested The Ethel Project. I met a lot of residents that enjoyed the opportunity to skype with family. I purchased several iPads, in which I spent my own money that I earned while working for Mrs. Simpson’s dance class teaching the younger children to dance. 

During my implementation phase I coordinated  with the staff in arranging times that residents can call their family. People are loving the opportunity to visit frequently with their families. I will be expanding the program to include members of my class at Holton-Arms sharing and connecting with the seniors on a regular basis in addition to other ideas that I have to assist in the happiness and overall long term health of the seniors at these facilities.  Along the way we shared many memories and I got to know these outstanding people. I documented one special resident Bonnie talking with and documenting her life on video. Expanding  is something that we are prepared and plan to continue. This is an ongoing project. The benefit to the  residents is unparalleled. 

My test launch was incredible. I am still talking with residents. I am confident that implementing in many facilities with my guidance would be a hit.

I am working on getting donations of iPads for my project so all facilities can enjoy the same connection that these residents have. I have received many emails thanking me for my work. 

My deep love and appreciation for my grandparents, along with the respect that I have for what this generation did for me and all of my peers has led me to this project. The  website  will promote the senior facilities that my project helps. With the Coronavirus outbreak, timing has been  critical to implement my project.    

Help Me Help The Seniors

 I will continue expanding my program conecting juniors and seniors in high school with the seniors in the assisted and nursing facilities. So many of these wonderful amazing people do not have anyone to visit whether by zoom or in person. We will eventually be able to have in person visits, for now we will Zoom. I personally set up all IPADS and technology. It is my goal to have an IPAD for every senior personalized for them.  Each iPad will have a slideshow of the resident. This is an ongoing program for me. Updates and more to follow! Stay tuned!

Walk Beside me in helping the most wonderful people in the world Our Senior Population!

Gala For The Ethel Project

As the country heals from the COVID-19 Palndemic and as we move into the summer I will be hosting a GALA to support The Ethel Project